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AFA (Africahead) on a test network with test Ether (ETH)
The following can be done to experiment with crypto-currencies:
Download the
imToken Wallet
which can hold ETH and Erc20 tokens. Erc20 tokens are formed and held on
the ETH network.
Open an ETH account. Your “Private Key”, “seed words”
and password should be kept safe for recovery purposes,
logins etc.
In the wallet at the middle-top choose “Ropsten Test Network”.
Go to the faucet. Request test ETH to your ETH address (It starts with 0x).
You can now experiment on the Ethereum Ropsten Test network.
Go to the Ethereum Ropsten Test Network (https://ropsten.etherscan.io) and find the Africahead AFA token. The Contract Address is 0xa67236b2a1e9ec3fd3 a71d5ac976c4a89bb84e0f. Remove the space in the address. This test token is not exactly the same as AFA on the main Ethereum network. It has more decimal places and a different number were issued for tests.
Contact Africahead at africahead2@gmail.com or at mdpienaar@africahead.co.za or call +27(0)824477125 to buy Africahead AFA test tokens on the Ropsten Test Network.