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Knowing self and Not-self

selfdetermination 'Unity' 'Self'
On the Matrix of Politics the X-axis represents Left and Right. The Y-axis represents fallacious "Unity"/communism/socialism at -3 and self-determination at +3.

First published: 8 June 2019

The idea "Self" is rejected in Intequinism, because it relates to idolatry. The idolatry of it is recognised in the "Unity", "Self" pursue. They each does not respect the ideas Truth and Love. Their forefathers respected the idea Truth, but snapped and became despotic, because of their reductionist conviction. Currently their reductionism convicts in their interpretation of the idea Love, of "Self", and their selfishness.

It is not possible anymore to identify with either left or right; liberal and conservative, partly due to isolation and new realisations. A new political dimension is plotted on the y-axis of the Matrix of Politics. "Unity" is -3 and self-determination is 3. Here is a divide between self-determination and "Unity". Self-determination is equated with good. "Unity" with evil. "Unity" is regarded evil because it is based on selfish "Self". Real unity can be found when self and others have self-determination. On the x-axis, left (liberal) and right (conservative) are plotted, but self settles on nothingness; exactly on zero, moving upwards to self-determination at number 3, where self-determination and unity can be combined.

Self-determination and unity relate to part of capitalism equated with socialism/communism. Part of capitalism is socialism/capitalism, basically. The other part of capitalism, therefore, which must continue, is the part relating to self-determination; not the "Unity" part, relating to "Self". How did it become clear to see? The part of capitalism, called "Unity", is in bed with communism and socialism. During the 2nd World War the socialists and communists had something in common. Although they warred against one another, both groups, reduced economics to labour. Marx did it and Nazi Germany did it with the slogan--Arbeid maak vry--above their death camps' entrances. It means basically, accept that ideas do not give rights to remuneration. Only labour does. Imparting ideas from "intelligence" and development of the ideas, are the current fallacious mainstay of economics. There, in the corrupt "intelligence" regime, the part of capitalism, which should continue, cannot be found, readily. Did most of the "intelligence" regime ally with the communists/socialists, in the struggle? Basically, they are idolaters of "Self". When they accuse the-honest of selfishness, do they know they are fallacious "Self", promoting fallacious "Unity"?

Not-self are not God. It is partly and indication that self is nothingness, at zero, on the x-axis of the Matrix of Politics. God are Logos and all living honest loving people, struggling against idolatry.