Ideas & labour

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Truth Love DNA

First published: 4 September 2019

The non-cooperation between idea originators and labourers in economies, is one of the most pervasive problems in the world to solve. The biggest hindrances are people who regard themselves not as labourers, and do not think rationally. They are in today's terminology pragmatists. Their power exists because of their criminal actions, intimidation and crimen injuria, in group form. Their philosophy prioritises labour and doing physically, whilst they want to only think. Their way is thus a contradiction because they don't do as they say.

When thinking about ideas, labour and economics, false dialectical thinking can easily mislead self. By dialectical thinking, i mean thinking with "essence" in mind. Marx wrote "labour is the creator". He made an essence out of labour, because his "enemies" were good ideas, utilised not well. Often it is said he regarded economics as essential. His dialectic however went further into labour, "the Creator". His philosophy got the name dialectical materialism. Hegel, who influenced Marx was a dialectical idealist. If dialectics is regarded, without being pedantic, Plato can be called a dialectical idealist and Aristotle a dialectical materialist. Aristotle and Socrates showed incidental non-reductionism, but to comprehend History of Philosophy to date, i call Plato a dialectical idealist and Aristotle a dialectical materialist in this article. Socrates was most in line with modern non-reductionism. He is often falsely referred to as Plato. Some call Socrates a communist, because they do not know that one of the prioritised distinctions between socialism, communism and fascism as opposed to Intequinism is the following. Socialism, communism and fascism convict in the labour theory of capital. Intequinism requires belief in existence of intequity (capital of ideas). There is no doubt, intequity exists. The influence of Socrates, claiming "gods and goddesses" had good ideas, would not have influenced the Eucharist/Mass as much if intequity did not exist.

The labour theory of capital, is inherently part of old testament law. The commandment to labor six days and rest one day a week, was relevant at the time. These days, with artificial intelligence, many people do not have jobs, therefore the law about labor is not applicable anymore. Socrates explained in Plato's books The Republic and Ion, how large the contributions to society by his "gods and goddesses" were. They created jobs. Labour was an expansive activity at the time. More chariots and beds, e.g. had to be made, for the utility value, using human labour. The ideas and evolving of the ideas, chariots and beds, were formed by humans. The established forms of furniture were best sellers and business owners did not respect Socrates's "gods and goddesses", for example Jesus, who had new forms in mind. Jesus, e.g. probably did not want to do "his" job, the Caiaphaci wanted him to do, which was e.g. making the established forms of furniture.

These days good ideas do not cause more labor for humans, because artificial intelligence takes jobs away. According to Plato's philosophy, something similar happened at Atlantis, which disappeared in the sea.

The cooperation between laborers and idea originators are currently very important. If laborers are regarded on the left and idea originators on the right, Divided Party, unites the two sides in one party. The most important work for idea originators to do, is in politics, because solutions have to be found for the effect of artificial intelligence. A problem is politics are dominated by misleaders who cannot think straight, due to many false puzzle pieces in minds. Solutions for unemployment have to be found. Universal basic income will, without a doubt happen. Those against universal basic income, argue for Malthusian socialist/fascist revolution. I'm not referring to communism, because communism failed. Referring thus to fallacious socialism, includes the communist ideas, still relevant. Clearly "socialism" does not refer to the idea "sharing" here. "Socialism" refers to the prioritising of labour on the left, for exclusion of people with good ideas.