to Unedited Philosophy Quotes and Ramblings about Intequinism.
Book title: The Turning Point: Science, Society, and the
Rising Culture
Fritjof Capra
1st Flamingo (First published in the USA by Simon &
Schuster 1982 and Great Britain by Wildwood House 1982)
27 December 2015
"Modern economics, strictly
speaking, is little over three hundred years old. It was
founded in the seventeenth century by Sir William Petty,
professor of anatomy at Oxford and of music at London, as well
as physician to the army of Oliver Cromwell." (Capra 1983:
Sir William Petty authored the
"labour theory of value", which was adopted by Adam Smith,
Ricardo and Karl Marx. (Capra 1983: 205)
John Locke "came up with the idea
that prices were also determined objectively, by demand and
supply." (Capra 1983: 206)
A difference between these two price
mechanisms is the value of ideas, which the labour theory did
not consider. Child mentioned that Locke acknowledged the
increase of the value of land because of "reason". Locke's
thoughts seem to have thus incorporated the value of ideas.
28 December 2015
"There is, in fact, a critical level
of well-being which has been shown to lead to a rapid
reduction in birth rate and an approach to a balanced
population." (Capra 1983: 227)
"An important aspect of the
necessary revision of our value system will be the
redefinition of 'work.'[1]
... The modern industrial worker no longer feels responsible
for his work nor takes pride in it. The result is products
that show less and less craft, artistic quality, or taste."
(Capra 1983: 244-245)
"Experience has shown repeatedly
that patients who are told that they have only six months to
live will, indeed, not live longer. Statements of this kind
have a powerful impact on the patient's mind/body system -
they seem to act almost as a magic spell - and should
therefore never be made. In the past, psychosomatic
self-healing has always been associated with faith in some
treatment - a drug, the power of a healer, perhaps a miracle.
In a future approach to health and healing, based on the new
holistic paradigm, it should be possible to acknowledge the
individual's potential for self-healing directly, with no need
for any conceptual crutches, and to develop psychological
techniques that will facilitate the healing process." (Capra
1983: 363) The same statement can be made about 'chronic'
1 January 2016
"The dangers of such cultural
conditioning are well illustrated by a recent experiment in
which eight volunteers gained admission to various American
mental institutions by saying that they had been hearing
voices. These pseudopatients found themselves irrevocably
labeled as schizophrenics in spite of their subsequent normal
behaviour. Ironically, many of the other inmates soon
recognized that the pseudopatients were normal, but the
hospital personnel were unable to acknowledge their normal
behavior once they had been diagnosed as psychotic. (Capra
1983: 420-421)
To perceive reality exclusively in
the transpersonal mode is incompatible with adequate
functioning and survival in the everyday world. To experience
an incoherent mixture of both modes of perception without
being able to integrate them is psychotic. But to be limited
to the Cartesian mode of perception alone is also madness; it
is the madness of our dominant culture." (Capra 1983: 421)
2 January 2016
".. the deep ecology movement
recognizes that ecological balance will require profound
changes in our perception of the role of human beings in the
planetary ecosystem. In short, it will require a new
philosophical and religious basis... Indeed, the idea of the
individual being linked to the cosmos is expressed in the
Latin root of the world religion, religare ('to bind
strongly'), as well as in the Sanskrit yoga, which means
union. (Capra 1983: 458)
Capra has some valid arguments but
his subjectivity drove him to an imbalanced other side. He for
example wrote that ideas about a "Goddess" should replace
ideas about "God" (Capra 1983: 463).
[1] Capra
referred to "Roberson, James. 1979. The Sane Alternative,
pp. 88 ff. St.
Paul, Minn.: River Basin Publishing Company. (Telford: J.
Roberston, 1978.)" and "Roszak, Theodore. 1978. Person/Planet,
pp. 205 ff. New
York: Doubleday/Anchor. (London: Gollancz, 1979.)"